Zidane trending among Liverpool fans — here is why

Zidane trending among Liverpool fans — here is why

Liverpool fans on social media are discussing the prospect of Zinedine Zidane becoming Jurgen Klopp's successor after the end of the season.

The speculation arose after a Twitter user Samuel Adams posted this: "Stunning/surprising bit of news I've just heard. Zidane wants to become the next Liverpool manager."

Note this is not coming from any trusted journalist or media outlet; just a person on Twitter who claims to be 'in the know'.

But it was enough to spark a debate over whether appointing the Frenchman would be a good idea for Liverpool. Here are a few opinions.

Sean: "The only world in which I'd take Zidane would be if Alonso rejected us. Choosing Zidane over him would be criminal. Potentially missing out on the best up and coming managerial brain in world footy to bring in a vanity name who's only ever managed the 2nd best squad in history.

"Avram Grant took that self-managing Chelsea squad to a CL final and so did Di Matteo. It's exactly the same at Madrid. They had about 5 coaches on the pitch."

LFC786: "If Zidane comes in everyone and their mother signs new deals though that’s for sure lol. Ain’t none of the big boys leaving. He keeps the aura around the club as well. Not against it at all."

Andy: "Imagine Zidane at LFC when John Henry said to Klopp, we are getting you Arhtur Melo on deadline day."

Olafur Tomasson: "I can't stand Zidane. There is absolutely nothing about the idea of him and LFC together that even gets me a little bit curious or excited."

Alan: "There are no guarantees with any manager. We can't know for sure how Zidane would do. But I believe Liverpool's squad suits his skillset. It's already built & only needs small additions. The big rebuild at Man Utd / Chelsea wouldn't suit his skillset. I think he'd see it that way too."

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceSamuel Adams