Fabrizio Romano provides Haaland update, names 3 main competitors (reliability: 5 stars)

Fabrizio Romano provides Haaland update, names 3 main competitors (reliability: 5 stars)

According to Fabrizio Romano, Erling Haaland's representatives will soon open talks with clubs over a summer move.

Real Madrid are seriously interested in the Norwegian as they want to sign both him and Kylian Mbappe. However, the Whites are unsure whether they'll be able to sign both.

Barcelona are in the race too. Joan Laporta and Mino Raiola had a meeting in Turin a month ago.

Manchester City are on the market for a striker and Erling is a top target for them.

Paris Saint-Germain are not in the race at the moment but could enter it later on.

Haaland planned to make a decision at a later point in the season but Borussia Dortmund want to know now whether he will leave. They still hope to keep the 21-year-old for one more season.
