'It is only about stats': Rafael Leao reveals what he hates in today's football

'It is only about stats': Rafael Leao reveals what he hates in today's football

AC Milan's winger Rafael Leao is set to unveil his book, 'Smile,' taking readers on a journey through his life as a football sensation. Beyond his swift rise as a standout player, the book offers insights into Leao's passion for music and fashion.

'Smile' prompted Leao to share his thoughts in a recent interview with Corriere della Sera. In the conversation, he expressed his discontent with the current fixation on football statistics.

Leao told Corriere della Sera: "Today’s football is only about stats & I don’t like it. Football is magic & joy. People who only think about numbers make me angry. People must be entertained so that I can have fun too. I'm a fan of aesthetics & beauty. In football, fashion, music & love."

"I love great goals, of course I’d like to score more, but I also make assists, I am a complete player."

Talking about stats, this season Rafael Leao scored 9 goals and made 10 assists in all competitions. But he probably doesn't know about it.
